
I am very proud of the logistics we have done for this trip, we are packing in as much as we can in 10 days so we can get to friends and family in the east.  But ooooeee if there was a place I would have padded our time it would have been here, Yellowstone.  It’s just so big and there is SO much to see, so we knew we had to get a jump in the am.  

Each day is a new learning for us, and today was all about hitting it before we make coffee (which is my favorite part of the day).  We had arrived at Headwaters Lodge and Campsite in the dark, and now we weren’t even going to step out into our site, it was time to spend as much time out in these geisers as we could! 

The park has a million little places to pull off, we knew we couldn’t go wrong. But, we also knew we couldn’t go all this way and skip the mutha of geisers: Ol’ Faithful.  But, instead of joining the crowds, there were a fair amount of people in the main tourist spot, we used our AllTrails app and found a great off road hike.  It had very few people and still had us sitting in perfect view of when the show started.  I swear Noah was with us in this first pic, but I like that it looks like it’s just the 2 of us. 

Noah was lovvving it and we asked him if he likes the hike or DisneyPlus and he said HIKE!  So you know he’s telling the truth.  We had one of those perfect snack spots in the shade and this little bro couldn’t contain himself.  He’s pretty funny, where does he get it?!  Shameless plug...


  1. More more more!!!! More commentary. More off road adventures.


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