So Bad They Good

 We left our only double night campsite in the Black Hills and shoved back onto the road, but that one day of not driving for 6+ hours was real real nice.  I highly recommend getting yourself into those hills!

Back at it and we had a 2hr drive to the Badlands.  2hrs seems like a walk in a park and that park was made of mint chocolate chip and bags of Cheetos.  just a treat is what I’m trying to get at.  I think I need Cheetos...

I have not seen scenery like this since Israel and my jaw was on the floor as we hiked through the harsh desert that is the Badlands.  Michael and I just kept picturing the people who at one time, years and years ago, tried to make this terrain a thing for their communities.  Stop trying to make Badlands happen, it’s not going to happen!  (Thanks Ms. Weiners)   The sun was blasting, the ground chipped away with the dryness and there was nothing around for as far as we could see.  No Four Seasons popping up here anytime soon. 

We took a short but power hike up into the mountains and then decided we were humans and we shouldn’t be out in the elements for too long, so back to the camper we ran and proceeded to spend the next few hours relaxing and looking out our giant windows. No FOMO, still in it. 

When sunset came, we ran around the desert some more, taking in the absolute silence and warm breeze. Not a soul around, just Noah throwing rocks and soaking in the Bad. 


  1. Amazing photos and Jessie you’ve painted an incredible picture with your words!! You guys are off the rails!! Love you!!

  2. Amazing photos and Jessie you’ve painted an incredible picture with your words!! You guys are off the rails!! Love you!!


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