Orange Means Go

There are always butterflies the morning of leaving on a big trip.  I always got them when getting on a plane to Israel to lead a Birthright trip. When I was 18, I had a meltdown the morning I traveled to London solo because my mom had the audacity to ask me what airline I was flying, my answer: they will tell me when I get there.  “They”, as my mom loves to joke, was supposedly the airport Mom who would just have all the answers for me.  Ahh 18 yr old Jessie...she was a peach.  And there was that time I jumped on a plane to travel SE Asia by myself, so I could really make all my dad’s dreams come true for his single daughter. 

The morning Michael, Noah and I got up to leave for our trip is something I will never forget.  When we heard Noah in his room I said to Michael “yikes, that’s early for him to wake up”, I thought it was 5am.  Nope.  Our typically gorgeous sky was blood orange.  It was straight out of Mad Max and made me sick to my stomach to see our city hurting like this, and all of CA.  

There is a bizarre survivors guilt that goes along with jumping in a car and getting the hell out of town.  But, I could not have been more thankful this was our departure date.  So, I am turning my guilty feelings into nothing but love and support and hope for CA...and really our entire world because everyone needs as much as they can get right now.

Gabriel Sunday was our escape car to go get our new home on wheels.  This is the 4th trip Michael and I have taken with an RV/Sprinter (New Zealand, Ireland and a west coast cruise down to LA), so we know what we are getting ourselves into.  Oh but wait, nevahhh with a 2yr old!  The largest bag we are toting with us is a 50lb toychest FULL of any and every puzzle, book, coloring tool, sticker and Bob Marley singalong you could think of.  Also, I filled our freezer with homemade treats for Noah like Mac and cheese, rice balls and muffins, all with sneaky spinach or kale baked in.  Just tryna live dat SF mom life, brah!

We’re loaded up!  Time to see what’s out there and get off the grid, as much as one does whilst still posting up the whole experience online.  Just like our forefathers did.


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