So, I Guess We're Doing This?? 3k Mile Roadtrip, Here We Go!

Well this should be interesting!  We are in our final countdown until jumping into the biggest road-trip I have ever taken, 3k + miles across this beautiful, and tumultuous, country to go see our family back east.  Michael's entire family lives across CT and NYC and in a typical year, you know outside of a pandemic, social uprising and an anxiety pumping election, we are quick to jump on a plane to spend much needed time.  This year is slightly different...

I am not going to dig into how Covid threw us off kilter, because I know anyone reading this has their own Covid journey, set backs, losses and struggles as well.  It is what unites us in this bizarre time, so you get it.  I lost my job back in May but Michael has done an unbelievable job of securing wonderful partners and clients and has kept incredibly busy throughout.  This flexibility of time and the silver lining of the pandemic led us to shrug our shoulders and just say "well...if not now, when?"  So I made the research and logistics of booking a cross country road trip my job, and now here we are.  Leaving in 2 days on a journey that both excites me and makes me wake at 2am going "HOW AM I GOING TO KEEP A 2YR OLD ENTERTAINED FOR 8HR DRIVES FOR 10 DAYS?!".  It's pretty chill. 

If you are here, reading this, I thank you and welcome you to join us on this voyage.  I will keep it honest about the road-tripping part and will have suggestions, in case its something you are considering, and pepper in some of the cultural moments we will run into as we cross state lines.  We plan to keep our trip focused on nature and wide open spaces, ain’t no time for FOMO for the cities and music scenes we would dig into in a parallel universe.    

For those saying, "you are out of your damn mind taking a road trip during a pandemic", I don't totally disagree, but I also know the kinds of precautions and logistics we have planned out in order to keep within our RV bubble.  We are camping at HipCamps or National Parks and will keep a healthy social distance from other adventure seekers.  We plan to curbside pickup our food and will do our own cooking along the way.  I know there is no shortage of judgement from many people, but this is what works for our family and the way we live our life, 'nuff said ;)  

Thanks for the love and support, now here we go!! 


  1. May this adventure be as blessed and magical as all the others you’ve had in your life together. Happy Trails to you. We we’ll be excited to hear all the ups and downs of your life on the road. See you on the flip side!

  2. Hi! I can’t wait to for you to arrive! I’ll greet you not with open arms, but surely with an open and loving heart. Jessie, thank you for navigating the route, I have my map and pins ready to follow. I’ll be so looking forward to reading your fun blogs. Noah, thanks to you and Bob Marley, I won’t “worry about a thing.” Michael, thank you for taking good care of yourself and your family, as you always do. Nothing will keep us apart. Bon Voyage! All my love, Susie, Bubbe, Mom. 🙏💕🙏💕🙏💕


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