Just to the Right of Burning Man

 And we venture!  After making a few necessary pit stops, Target for a car seat so Noah could face forward, In n’ Out because, um, Noah needed it, we pointed to the East and said, sure, why not.  

Our first few hours were great indications for how a lot of this road trip will go.  Breaking out the good snacks already and yelling to each other “we’re doing it!!!!”.   Then immediately burning through all the toys I brought for this little boy and learning that as much as I plan and researched all the top ten lists of best road trip toys, there is nothing like the reality of sitting in the back of an RV while your kid screams at you to bring you right back down to offline life.   

Peaceful snooze for a few hours, thank goodness 

Our RV, while comfy and immediately homey, sounds like a maraca inside a wind tunnel.  So, all toys with any portion of audible enjoyment are out.  Great.  And all my magnetic tiles and letters that I pictured Noah playing with endlessly to create the words he loves to at home, instantly became Chinese throwing stars that I am still finding in shoes, under our chairs and somehow made it into the fridge.   But hey, here’s to adapting on the go.

We all did great for our first 4 hour pull to arrive at our first sleepover in Silver Springs, NV.  I booked our spot on HipCamp, you can look them up because they refused to pay me for my blogging services...rude.  But really, its awesome and incredibly helpful when all the national parks have filled, plus I have NO idea what deep NV looks like, outside of Burning Man.  And honestly, Michael and I needed some of those vibes in our lives seeing that our favorite festival experience was cancelled this year.  Out to the desert we go!  

Playtime in the back and our night time setup courtesy of MSeiler design 

After traversing down a desert road, we arrived at camp which was nothing but a picnic table, shipping container and a TON of stars.  It was unbelievable and the silence was deafening.  Reminds me just how loud life is.  Michael set us up with our own little Burner camp, twinkle lights will travel.  Noah was...ok with it. We kept asking him what he thought and he just said “I want to go back to Campy”, which is now the name of our adventure mobile.

Morning brought exploration of the private land we camped on and turned into an unexpected landscape, after the lake had dried it left quite a jaw dropper of bright green pasture in the middle of dry desert.  We played, Michael cooked a delish breakfast, sang to Bob Marley and headed out!  Big 9 hour day to get to Utah.  Let’s see if the Chinese throwing stars turn into some semblance of an education tool. 


  1. My soul loves and yearns for bright blue sky like you are seeing. It’s magnificent. Only when you drive out into the vastness of our country do you really grasp how big it is. We jam into big cities but the majority of the landmass is devoid of humans. Safe travels. Feels like you have been gone for weeks already.


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