Taking it Back to the Holy

It's just been too long!! I knew something was missing in my life and then I realized that I hadn't blogged for a while. This feels like a great sneeze, very satisfying.
This next collection of blogs will be coming to you from my second set of travels. First was Asia, now I'm on to the middle east, then the Greek islands and THEN Espana! Yea, it's a rough life without a job, but someone had to spend my savings.
Good morning Tel Aviv!
This trip started out very bittersweet because I decided this Birthright Israel trip may be one of my last. After 2.5 years and 6 trips It has come time for me to hang up my name tag badge. As much as I dig the job I think it's better to say goodbye when I'm still in love with the trips.
This is why I love what I do. After having to part from him after 2.5 years of working together, Teddy and I randomly cross paths on the top of Mesada. Gotta love Israel. We get to share stories about our groups and remember our first trip staffing together oh-so long ago.

Who doesn't love being surrounded by beautiful Israeli boys in uniform? Me likey.
Here are some of my favs!
My fantab co-staff, Allon. He put me in check when needed (sometimes, but very rarely, i tend to get a tad dramatic) but also let me dance with the mic. I think we did a pretty great job leading 50 people through Israel together.  We always tried to know the answers to all questions (even if we had to make them up) and played parent/friend/staff/and camp counselor for 10 crazy days.  Can't argue with that.

My view for 10 days, front of the bus looking back on 50 amazing people!  Love it all in the Holy! 


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