A Few More Goodn's

Just a few more from our tromp through the city.  How all good travelers do it these days: navigation via IPad:

A good reason to NOT bring a leopard rolly bag to go backpacking through a few countries.  I think she learned her lesson as soon as we hit the mass crowds in the Arab Quarter.  Don't let this fool you, by the end we were carting a huge mirror, coffee set, mugs and my favorite, a huge knife that she thought would be a good idea to purchase.  All in the name of tourism, C-Smith...this is also a pic of the streets at 1am sans tourists and shwarma.

We also visited the Wall on Shavuot, a holiday here in Israel.  Everyone flocks to the wall at midnight to start the celebration.  I wish I could say we made it that late, but I decided to play with a cat earlier that day and couldnt breathe by the time 12 rolled around.  Here is a pic of some Jews we decided to follow down the alley (multiply that by hundreds and that was what it looked like), and the dreaded Muslim cat from our hotel.

We spent some time at the Western Wall and then decided to take me even further outside my comfort zone and cross over to see the Dome of the Rock.  It was actually beautiful on the other side, and until then, I didnt even realize you could visit.  There are certain times when non-Muslims can visit; I decided to leave my "I Work for Birthright Israel" tshirt at home that day.

It was an amazing week in Israel, getting to play tour guide and trying some things I never would have dreamed. Next up is Greece where I have been DYING to visit since I saw Mama Mia. Haha..just kidding, it was at least a week before I saw the movie that I got the idea.


  1. Believe it or not... that damn mirror that we lugged with us through multiple countries (Israel, Greece, Germany, USA), the one that didn't fit in any bags.. Looking back, you couldn't pay me to lug that thing- big purchase mistake! I took it out of the box when I got home and it was broken :( Not the mirror part, just the frame. UUUhhh.

  2. P.S. Thanks for being the WORLDS best tour guide of Israel :)


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