My Big Fat Greek...Road Trip

Out of the Middle East and into the land of white houses and blue water!  Not that I don't love the architecture of Israel, but honestly...nothing comes even remotely close to what Greece has to offer.  C-Smith and I were only a little stoked to set food on our black sand beach.

We arrived in Santorini after a night of getting up at 2am to catch our bus, Christin on about an hour of sleep, so you can imagine we were ready for our first amazing Greek meal.  Yesss..from here on out it was wine and crepes anytime we stopped for food.  In between, we managed to squeeze in some gyros.

Our first B&B was a HUGE step up from our place in Tel Aviv that smelled so badly of smoke we could hardly sleep.  It was called Hotel Zorzis and for anyone ever traveling to Santorini, please take my word and go stay here.  The owners, Loco and Spiros, were an amazing couple that were like our Greek parents.  One night I was sharing pics I took of their place (seen below) and they loved them so much that they traded us a free nights stay for use of my pics on their website.  I am now a professional photog, once Spiros learns how to actually download the pictures.

Christin showing Spiros and Loco her IPad, that thing was like carting around a really cute puppy; everyone stopped us to look at it and ask to touch it.

Amazing start to our Greek adventure!  Wish we had some traveling pants...


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