Hiking Across the World...Or Like 6 Miles

You know you are traveling with a good person when you hear from your B&B hosts, "There is a 6 mile hike that takes 4 hours..." and without even hesitating both of you look at each other and say, "Oh hell ya!".   Anyone that knows the Sunday family knows that we are hiking people, so I was pretty stoked to find out I could hike on the cliffs of Santorini and maybe get an ice cream at the end.

 We started the day with pouring rain, which made me want to cry cause all I have wanted to do is take some fabulous pictures of the cliffs and houses I wished I owned.  I don't know who or what heard this from above, but as soon as we pulled up to the town of Fira, the clouds parted, sun shine poured down, and im pretty sure I saw unicorns dancing about.  I was a happy girl.  So...our 6 mile hike began!

We trecked for hours, stopping every two minutes to either say, "Oh myyy loooord this is amazing" or take pictures of the same things eight times just from different angles.  We felt pretty hard core by the time we got to the other end of the mountains and were rewarded with another unreal sunset, and obviously a frozen product from Nestle. 

We hopped on a bus to take our tired little feet home and just in time for me to snap a picture of Fira winding down for the day, or just starting up depending on how you look at it!  What a perfect day...thank you weather for not raining on my parade!

Next up, a little ATV cruising through the island.  Shhh....Dad, don't look.


  1. let me tell you a story... even an ice cream at the end of a six mile hike could not make me do it. sorry.


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