My Fair LadyBoy
Yes, finally. We found it. The combination of Thai Drag Queens (Lady Boys) and American show tunes. That, paired with Thai Mexican food, and I had quite a night in Chiang Rai!

While mom devoured a whole fish and I tried to keep my food down from looking at the fried cockroaches, we enjoyed a delicious LadyBoy show, which you should as well, below:
They were fab and we loved them. The best was when they would yell at each other to bow and to step right instead of left. No matter what country, a diva is a diva. Yesterday, mom had the genius idea instead of taking a 4 hour bus ride straight from Chiang Mai to Chiang Rai, we would instead do a tour and just have them drop us at the end. Note to anyone: this is WAY better than being stuck on a bus for a few hours. We got to see some great stuff, my fav being the White Palace. It was this weird combo of super tacky beauty and a mesh of American humor.
I couldn't take pics on the inside, but the temple was covered with images of Superman, Spiderman, Keanu Reeves and for some reason the Twin Towers.
We also hit the Golden Triangle for some peaks into Burma...and of course some over sized elephants. Now that we have made it to Chiang Rai we decided to take it eeeeeaaaasy today. I know its not nice to brag but COME ON. Our hotel is delish. Here is just a few, mostly so I can remember what clean looks like for when I get to Vietnam and Laos.

Mom in her "Gabe" pose.

Why am I just so tan?
Tomorrow we will venture into town and I am hoping to get a pic with a LadyBoy. Maybe one dressed as Babs or Cher? Shes such a survivor.
Fantastic blog! Having been there recently, I've thoroughly enjoyed reading about your travels! Have a great journey to Laos (my favorite place!) and Vietnam! Much love, Susan Housand