From the Streets

That was just a little bit of the streets of Bangkok, actually quite calm for what we have seen, I wish I could send you the smell too...a mix of garbage, curry and people. Yum. Yesterday we had the choice of either fighting the crowds at the grand palace or letting me be our tour guide and finding our way through the city to the Goooooolden Mountain. We realize we are probably some of the only people who come to Bangkok and didn't do the Grand Palace....OMG, but a big part of me wanted to go somewhere that sounded like it was straight out of Harry potter. So we chose to forgoe tourist heaven and instead venture into the unknown. Here are a few more of my favs from Bangkok.

A view from our night bike ride

At the top of Golden Mountain

At the Reclining Buddha

And, because I only posted redic proof of myself at Fish Feet Hell, here is proof that mom wasn't just cool and collected.

In a few hours we will take a train North to Ayutthaya and Sukuthai, hopefully see some rice paddies!


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