Puzzling Times in the West

On our evening in Wanaka we decided to use our "2nd day", the last few hours of light, to jump out to the west coast and see if it really resembles the west coast of CA.  2 hour drive starting at 8pm? SUUUURE!  

We weaved through Haast Pass, just endless giants of mountains and finally arrived to the coast.  I had a vision of camping on a bluff that resembled something I don't get to camp on at home.  Overlooking the ocean and giant rocks, it would be amazing.  But, as true with all of this, what we envisioned wasn't really all it cracked up to be.  We couldn't find the perfect spot because in between us and the water were walls of shrubs and trees.  How can you have a beautiful coast and hide it??  Who planned this? The beach was lovely, yes.  And it does make me feel so so lucky to know that we have a truly magical coast waiting for us at home. 

Back down, we hit another long hike along the Blue Pools.  The Haast Pass is a gorgeous drive from the West coast back into Wanaka.  We took full advantage.

A view from the back into our little Mighty #vanlife

Into the Blue Pools

The next day we awoke to a welcomed gray sky with a bit of rain.  It was very cozy and we decided to take advantage of the first non-glorious day we could.  When one is traveling with Michael Seiler and one passes a place called "Puzzling World" one can bet, 100%, it will be added to the itinerary.  Michael also wanted to add the website in case you would like more info.  Don't all rush, it could crash the site.
We loved it :). It was a giant land for kids of all ages (and Michael's) with a tilted room, hologram walls and self proclaimed, first 3-D maze ever.  That thing was no joke, we had to pull the emergency door at around 30 minutes in.  Thanks Puzzling World, you made our day.
The blue sky was back, so it was time to enjoy some more of what Lake Wanaka had to offer.  Nothing is better than relaxing on the couches in our Mighty van with doors propped open and a giant lake breeze coming through.  Ahhhh.

Back at Lake Wanaka for the breeze.

Michael...back in the water


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