Kiwi's- They're Just Like Us

We are in New Zealand!!

I am so excited to be here and dig into this part of our trip.  This is really a dream trip, a place I have always wanted to travel and see what this magical land is all about.  We are starting in Auckland just for a quick 1.5 day run around.  Michael and I have a great little airbnb near Ponsenby road which is their Boho District.  What we both already feel is a sense of total comfort.  Auckland really feels like a mix of our beloved Pac North West.  There is a little SF mixed with Portland, Seattle and then even LA gets in there.  The topography feels so familiar because of the aggressive hills and views of this gorge city sitting in the middle of a bright blue bay.

It is amazing to come all the way across the world to just feel like you are hanging out at home.  I have never felt more comfortable in a city, it's awesome :)

We said g'bye to the warm weather of Fiji but stepped into a sunny LA feel.    We found a great market with a ton of little cozy restaurants from around the world.  I fell in love with my first adorable Kiwi girl who wanted us to try every single local cheese she had behind the heaven cheese counter.  I said yes please.

Our funky little spot

 First bubbles in NZ!  And cheese, so much cheese.

Our full day was spent trekking all over the city.  Essentially we did the walk from the golden gate bridge up to twin peaks.  14 miles and loved every little piece thanks to Michael's stellar nav skills.  We made it to the top of Eden Hill to check out a full 360 view, it all looked like the SF Bay but biiiiigger.

Much needed pass out in the park

A night out in the marina.  Everyone is just too fab with their accents.  Michael and I have full practice sessions to nail our "Kiwi" so we can be just like them!  Michael is....working on it.  Me, im nailing it.  Well, according to me.

Today we are off to Queenstown to pick up our next home!  A cute camper to take us all over the South Island.


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