The Sound

Milford Sound is literally out of a Hobbit's dream.  Or my dream.  Same thing.  We drove with jaws dropped the entire way screaming "waterfall! Double waterfall! Quad 'fall!"  It is unreal that these mountains popped out from the ground thousands of years ago just to show off to camping tourists from around the world.  They are really doing a great job.

We found out when arriving at the Sound that its pretty difficult to really get into the Fiords, which we originally were excited to explore.  That's the crazy thing about this place, SO much of it is untapped because there is just no way to get to it.  We hopped on a boat to get a little closer, the only real way they let you.  And by closer, I really mean CLOSE.  They put us right under one of the largest waterfalls in the Sound.  It was my first shower, so I appreciated it.

Then it was time to get into it.  We jumped on one of the many hiking trails around the Sound.  It is beyond easy to find these hikes, all on local maps they hand out at info centers.  Our first 4+ hour hike and it really paid off.

Because it doesn't get dark until 10pm we basically have 2 days in one.  Hike and boat for the first part.  Set up camp and cook dinner in the second.  Its all such a treat.


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