The Beach, Nicaragua

Whoa, blogging and keeping up with life in general isn't the easiest when our locations decide to take it back to 2008 when backpackers didn't come with their IPhone 5's and Ipads and there was no wifi.  But, I guess I can trade wifi for some delicious waves, sand that will never come out of my hair, and darker versions of my freckles.  

The moment we got back from conquering the volcano hike, we decided to use the last moments of energy and make the move to the beach.  We thought, eh, maybe a taxi ride and then we can fall into a hammock somewhere and nurse our blisters from the hike.  Well, the route to our next hostel didn't prove to be so dreamy.  After a 45 minute taxi ride to a mystery bar somewhere, we loaded ourselves and our bags into a tiny little boat in the pitch black.  The boat ride under the stars was magic until we were dropped on another beach and told to walk 20 minutes...that way.  So after 2 days of hiking up and down volcanos I found myself again with my massive bag on my back walking on a beach to...somewhere.  I only threw one fit and it lasted for a brief 10 seconds, so I consider the walk a huge success.

Finally, we made it to our oasis: the Surfing Turtle Lodge.  This was literally in the middle of nothing and we only found it by hearing the bass of the beach music and seeing a light in the far off distance.  Never have I ever been so happy to find a hostel or toss my bag across the room and swear to never put it on again.

Their version of a taxi

Our first home, splurging on a private room for $35

One of my favorite sunset spots of the trip.  Oh and that surf braaah in the water, he's gnarly

We had planned on only 2 days, but 4 days later we were finally ready to leave our little paradise.  Michael got in a ton of waves (if you didnt know, he's totally a surf braah now) and I brought my serious skills to the sand volleyball court; mostly so I could justify eating and laying around all day.  

Next up, we will journey to the far off land of Isle de Ometepe.  It's an island in the middle of Lake Nicaragua with, wait for it, volcanos sitting on both sides.  We hear its quite the pain to get to so im ready for these volcanos to rock my world.


  1. I like to hear that volleyball was in there Sunday!!!


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