Lake Atitlan, Guatemala: How to Get Around

So, you have two choices of transportation here at Lake Atitlan: a rickety boat crammed full of hippies and locals that will leave you as drenched as sitting in front of sprinklers for an hour, OR your little feetsies.  Yesterday, we decided that the latter of the two would be our method of transportation to walk from our little town of Jaibailito to the hippie-mecca of San Marcos.   To get anywhere outside our town you can either walk to the right for 3 hours or to the left for about 30 minutes.  Oh, and these aren't just little skips down the path of flowers.  These are hikes where hands are necessary to pull you up a rock face and balance is appreciated on some skinny paths.  DAD: I have great balance and I wear sunscreen and a hat the whole time.  

We made the journey up and down valleys and mountains to get to San Marcos.  Yes, I was sweating and panting for most of it, but the views were so worth it on the water breaks.

One of the staircases 

The game of 20 questions comes in handy and so is a fun hiking partner.  After a few rounds of games and Guatemalan cookies (actually just chips a'hoy) we made it to San Marcos; you can feel the crystals and good vibes from far far away.  

Rewarded with a street burrito and a play on the playground

A cute, local pup; if you look closely you can see teeth on his "chew toy"

Our hike ended at the edge of the town in the nature preserve, which is a gorgeous view and a deck to jump off into the lake called "the Trampoline".  Sorry, no cool pics of either of us...just envision it.

We did some shopping at the local "Whole Foods" (otherwise known as the sidewalk) and made it back to our humble abode for another deeeelish home-cooked meal of veggie quesidillas, fresh garden salad and zuchinis.  Not a bad way to end a day of hiking all over this Lake.  

Local grocery store 


  1. What a hike....probably Mayans walked there just before you. Loved the local Whole Foods Market.


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