Flores, Guatemala

I have no idea what this bright, shining, warm thing is in the sky...and im sweating??  Ohhh THIS is what its supposed to be like!  Warm weather has arrived!  

Mike and I crossed the border from Belize to Guatemala with no problem.  Just as quickly as we could walk across the bridge into our new country the english language disappeared and im really regretting not paying attention in 7th grade spanish.  It's a shift both of us have been waiting for and makes it feel like we're traveling outside our comfort zone, which is actually welcomed.  

What IS comfy is our new spot in Flores on the top of a mountain.  This is our second sunset in 10 days, so I went a little nuts on the pics.  We can't wait to jump into our second country on the trek!  Lots more to come...

Perfect spot to FaceTime


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