Caye Caulker- Sun Makes Everything Better

Thank gawwwwd for a little sun in our lives.  I know it's obnoxious to complain about anything while sitting on a tropical island but yikes 3 days of rain will do it!  Finally the Seattle weather took a break and we got our Vitamin D back.

Some island pics by the Split 

We crawled out of our room and finally took advantage of what the locals call the Split.  It's a channel of water that runs in between the main part of the island and another smaller island where it looks to be kosher to dump your bikes, bottles, ex-girlfriends, toilets and whatever else you come across in your yard.  The main part of the Split is a bar and some funky leftover cement walls that will probably fall apart tomorrow, but for now they make for great lounge chairs.

We hopped in a kayak and saw this dude trying to lure tourists into learning how to become Iron Man. Its a jet pack on the water, so he could project himself to 30 feet above the water. SO cool at first, but the second and third time he came around to do his "show" I just kept thinking he really needs to go work at Club Med on their circus team. One of the locals told me he had never seen a tourist on that hover board. Guess the show doesn't rake in the dough.

We also got our first sunset since being on the island. It's amazing because if you go just 5 minutes off the tourist streets you are suddenly in a real third-world country. We feel like we are seeing what Costa Rica looked like 20 years ago. Tomorrow we are jetting to Abergis Caye which we have learned is where ex-pats have completely taken over and pushed all the locals inland. It will give us a realistic view of what Caye Caulker (our current home) will look like in another 15 years. Ahh tourism.


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