Sort of Like Pirates of the Carribean

I love it here, love it in Hoi An! The streets are small, there are fabulous clothing and shoe stores EVERYWHERE (not at all a wise choice for my backpacker budget) and some of the most delicious food I have sampled while being in this region of this beautiful globe.

We started on a walking tour and found some little areas that met my expectations of what Vietnam was going to look like. Perfect little bridges and houses covered in flowers. Sort of almost reminded me of New Orleans...but smelling like curry.

The sweatiest picture ever, with my Canadians!

Then, here it is. The most amazing meal ever. Usually "all you can eat" places really stress me out cause I never know when to stop eating and it reminds me of buffets which I am scarred from because of Club Med. BUT, this was unreal. We went to a restaurant where it is non-stop meat sticks, veggies, egg rolls, shrimp rolls and sauces that make you sweat. The woman above owned the place and would take your food out of your hands so she could make it correctly, then she would feed it to you.

This was the aftermath...I died and the Scottie had to carry me home.

The best part though was when the owner grabbed my hand wipe and cleaned me off...ahh, like a Vietnamese Mama. That's when you know you have a good meal, when the owner has to clean you up.

Later that night we dragged ourselves out of a food coma and visited my favorite source of shame: the Karaoke Bar. But this was more of a room where you are less scared to jump up and belt out Lionel Richie. Classic.

Its been a great time so far, more to come like cooking classes and hill trecks!


  1. Jessie it's everything we hoped for!!!! Looks like the absolute perfect group of young folks from all over the world. So many new accents to learn! Yo Mama is SOOOOO happy for you! Can you just roll them all up in your backpack and take them all to Laos? Continue on your journey...


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