Family Hospitality in Vientiene

I made it to Laos! After risking life and limb by climing onto my first prop plane (picture seen above) I touched down in my 3rd country in South East Asia. My group had now grown to me, the Scottie and 3 lovely English girls- Jess, Katie and Jen. They would be with us for the next week and were wonderful to mimick. They did say my accent is still a bit off, more like a Harry Potter character.

We were all picked up by a family friend and taken on a VIP tour of Vientiene. Thank god, cause I dont think any of us were ready to be tour guide after our venture from Vietnam! Thank you Sujata, you were an amazing guide!

We visited our first Laotian Wats (temples) and I met my very own Buddha. In Laos, they have Buddhas dedicated to each day of the week. Obviously, Sunday Buddha was my fav!

Lunch was an unexpected trip to the mall. At first I was ready to have some Laotian McDonalds but it was the exact opposite. There were millions of choices of local cuisine, Thai, name it. But, I went with some homecooked Indian food. It changed my life, and opinion on all food courts in South East Asia.

It was a great first view at Laos! Next up, we will venture to backpacker heaven in Vang Vieng!


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