My Return From the Holy Land!

I know I didn't really play the blog game like I should have while in Israel BUT I had a lot of camels and hummus that got in the way. This was my 7th trip to Israel and made me fall in love with the people and surroundings more than ever. It might be because I dont know if this was my last time; sometimes I forget how lucky I am to have a job that throws me there twice a year.

I just spent the last 11 days leading 40 Americans (from L.A...amazing we survived without Starbucks and traffic) and 8 Israelis. We travel on a bus up and down Israel learning about the culture and history. At this point I have been to some places so many times I get to lead my own mini tours. They are usually food themed where I point out my favorite burger and hummus spots; those are just as important as the 2,000 year old monuments. It is exhausting, exciting and life changing and I cant believe I have had the chance to staff it so many times.

Israel means so much to me and its hard to put into words, so I will do it better through pictures.


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