Kick Off!

Here it first blog post and my last day at the Jewish Federation of Los Angeles. Such a bitter sweet ending to my last two years working with amazing people for a cause I really believe in. I am two days away from my sixth trip to Israel in two years, I am just as excited as I was for my first trip. I now feel totally comfortable wandering around the Holy Land, leading 50 people to my favorite Shakshuka spot in Jaffo or my favorite bar in Jerusalem. It's an amazing job and im extremely sad to leave. Not really sure why I am leaving because it seems a little crazy to exit when things are great; but maybe that is the perfect time. I guess we will have to see...


  1. Life's just a big bowl of cherries and the next big adventure. Somewhere in there you gotta make a living, but that hopefully won't stop you from fullfilling your travel dreams. Some of which we'll share!

  2. You're going to have an amazing next couple of months. I'm so excited for you. I wish I could come along!


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