Steampunk in NZ

We can walk again!  It did feel like my calves had been filled with fire, but a quick little Mighty van yoga session fixed that.
Then, we were off!  Time to hit the East coast to see how that feels different than the west.  We made the last minute decision to take the drive out of the mountains and see what we could find, it was a bit of a gamble because we had no idea what we were driving into.  But, considering everything else has been magical, we were game.

First though, as always, lunch in a beautiful spot at Lake Tekapo.

We made it to our next destination, Oamaru.  We were a little confused with this town because we pulled in after a long day of driving and the town literally looked like a zombie apocalypse had hit it. It was hard to see anyone walking around the streets, and nothing was open besides a chinese noodle restaurant.  So instead of pouting that we couldn't see the town at night, that's a lie because I absolutely pouted, we grabbed our noodles and found a beautiful spot to camp for the night.

No one around the streets...

Ok, things got better on the bluffs with an ocean view for the night

We will take on Oamaru and whatever it has to offer tomorrow.  So far, this has been our first stop where we haven't been left speechless.  Just left without any humans after 9pm.

The next day, all our expectations and assumptions about Oamaru were smashed.  What we found was a little town in the midst of a major cultural and tourism shift.  Oamaru was overtaken by the Victorians, a community who lived their life as if they lived back in the Victorian era.  They kept it so authentic that they refused to use credit card systems.  In turn, they couldn't make it and they were quickly replaced with Steam Punk, the new community that is moving in quickly on the tourism scene.  We had some great, deep conversation with local artists and learned a TON about what tourism looks like from their perspective and how New Zealand as a whole is shifting.

A view from their Marina

Look what we found!!  Our Mighty was sitting right next to our future little babe!

SteamPUnk has taken over!

A beautiful gallery straight out of the Victorian era 

Michael's new ride

At the SteamPunk museum, cause Michael could play and lift up everything


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