Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica

Michael and I decided that for our last big venture to a new spot in Costa Rica we wanted to discover more about the Osa Peninsula.  We didn't know a ton going in, but we knew that it was a road less traveled and friends who had been there loved it.  We said our goodbyes to Montezuma and took a boat ---> mini bus ---> big bus ---> taxi ---> to a leeeeettle 12-person plane.  The 50 minute flight ended up being worth the entire journey already.

Our very own plane

Michael tried to get into the cockpit multiple times.  Good thing I could pat the pilots on the back when they had a successful takeoff. 

One of my favorite parts of our trip is our "rutterless travel".  Traveling with no concrete plan which then leaves flexibility to change anything at the drop of a hat.  This proved successful as we flew above the Osa Peninsula and started chatting up a guy named Robert.  Our new friend was going to a yoga retreat at a beautiful spot right on the beach where the accommodations were tent cabins and the food was delicious and came in huge portions.  Sign me up immediately.  We had no real plan anyway, just a vague idea of the area we wanted to visit.  Once we landed, Robert told us that he was supposed to share a cab with a couple joining the retreat but they were stuck somewhere with disgusting weather and missed their flight.  Yay!!  Thank you vortex!  We jumped in with him and drove to this mystery spot with tons of food. 

Our new digs

For the next 2 nights we crashed a yoga retreat where everyone else had probably paid 4 times as much as us and was ready to get their namaste on.  We just wanted to play in the water and eat delicious homemade meals.  Michael surfed, I chatted about chakras and everyone was happy.  

A little hut

Living in a tent

On a hike we discovered that the tide is quite tempermental.  This is a shot on the way out to our hike...

And this is coming back.  Jellyfish are fun :)

These kind of lucky things keep happening to us and I welcome all of them.  I would also welcome another portion of homemade tortilla soup from the lodge but who am I kidding?  We have been somewhere for almost 3 days so obviously it's time to move on!  Next up, we will visit the "big city" of Puerto Jimenez.  I hope the bright lights aren't too much for us.


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