Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica

Michael and I decided that for our last big venture to a new spot in Costa Rica we wanted to discover more about the Osa Peninsula. We didn't know a ton going in, but we knew that it was a road less traveled and friends who had been there loved it. We said our goodbyes to Montezuma and took a boat ---> mini bus ---> big bus ---> taxi ---> to a leeeeettle 12-person plane. The 50 minute flight ended up being worth the entire journey already. Our very own plane Michael tried to get into the cockpit multiple times. Good thing I could pat the pilots on the back when they had a successful takeoff. One of my favorite parts of our trip is our "rutterless travel". Traveling with no concrete plan which then leaves flexibility to change anything at the drop of a hat. This proved successful as we flew above the Osa Peninsula and started chatting up a guy named Robert. Our new friend was going to a yoga retreat at a beautiful spot right on ...