Entering the World of Cambodia

Oh man...how quickly a butt goes numb during a 18hr busride just to cross a border. It was NOT my favorite moment of my trip, but a necessary one. Not only did it teach me how to get myself into a Zen state (or else I would punch everyone around me in the face) but it also taught me to never take money for granted. Neil and I had to live on $1 for 2 days because we used every last penny to cross the beautiful border you see below (yup, thats the Laos/Cambodian border). So...we survived off a roll of bread and cheese. Oh, and for anyone that has never seen a squat toilet, this is what I have been dealing with for 2 months.

Once we got to Cambodia, and after the quick trip to the ATM, we experienced the amazingness that has been my trip. During this trip I have gone from chasing cockroaches off my bed to then sleeping in the most beautiful hotels in the world. Thanks to a WONDERFUL family friend, we were graced with the good that is Le Meridien. I know...SO not cool backpacker, but I could have cared less once I saw the pool.

But, we made up for the shwanky-ness by eating on the streets of Siem Reap. It was actually one of my favorite meals ever! But a little bittersweet cause I was saying goodbye to my travel partner in crime, Neil :( Very sad, but he had to move on and do the Thai beaches and I am not done with Cambodia yet!

Neil also forced me to experience my own personal hell (for the second time in Asia) and put my feet in a huge tub of fish that eat my feet. THE WORST, but my feet were quite deliciously smooth after!


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